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Summer Seminar “Creative Science & Education”

Summer Seminar “Creative Science & Education” participated in by motivated students

The research institute holds a two-week summer seminar titled “Creative Science & Education” every year in Karuizawa, with about 10 enthusiastic student participants mainly from the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Life and Medical Sciences and Graduate School of Brain Science together with a few faculty members who supervise them. The seminar started in order to follow the will of the late Dr. Yogoro Kato (an alumnus of Doshisha Harris Science School who made numerous creative accomplishments including the invention of ferrite) which was “to cultivate human resources who take a leading role in science and technology and contribute to society with their exceptional creativity.”

Summer Seminar “Creative Science & Education”
Research Subsidy Provided by the KATO-YAMAZAKI Memorial Donation